
Legend of grimrock secrets
Legend of grimrock secrets

This puzzle introduces pits, which will continue to appear many times throughout upcoming levels. Once they're disposed of, you can take the south passage to find a small cache of various items, but not the key that you'll need to open it. Fortunately, there should be plenty of space to back up as the snails advance, and when fighting slow enemies like them, you'll have plenty of time to get in hits as they move.

legend of grimrock secrets

Taking hits from one as you fight it in a hallway isn't great, but it's better than taking hits from multiple enemies. Two more Giant Snails wait for you ahead the technique from earlier works excellently when facing one enemy, but against multiple enemies, it's very likely to get you boxed in. The gate ahead is controlled by a nearby switch. After you defeat the snail, it may drop a Snail Slice your party may not be hungry yet, but keeping food like this with you will be absolutely vital.

legend of grimrock secrets

This fighting technique, dubbed the "Grim-Step", will prove tremendously useful as you take on stronger enemies deeper into the dungeon, so this is a good opportunity to get accustomed to it. Try to engage it in the square space that it's first seen in: attack it from the side, and then strafe as it turns to face you. It's rather slow-moving and weak, but this early in the game, you'll want to avoid taking damage while you hit it, which can be difficult to do in a hallway. Moving onward, you will catch sight of your first enemy: a Giant Snail. Search for one on the east wall and press it, revealing a room to your left inside is the Iron Key you need to unlock the gate. The path to your left seems to end just as quickly, but writing on the wall hints "Loose rock". The path to your right ends quickly, with a locked gate that you lack the key for. The appearance of a loose rock, in the upper right. As you pass through the gate, move to your right to find a Brass Key in an alcove the door ahead must be unlocked with it.

legend of grimrock secrets

You can use the Rock next to the plate, though they are handy and useful weapons in the long run, so you may want to consider using something else in your limited selection of items. The next gate is guarded by a simple puzzle-it only remains open as long as something is holding down the pressure plate.

legend of grimrock secrets

Open the gate ahead by throwing the switch next to it. A Cudgel will be visible at the end of a hallway, but before reaching it, look to your left for an alcove containing some basic clothing to armor yourself with. Continuing down the passage you will encounter another gate opening this one is as simple as pulling the chain next to it. Take the torch from its sconce to open the gate. It illuminates a gate and some text on the wall, informing you of your options: "Perish in this cell or pick up the torch". Your journey begins in shadows, the only light coming from a Torch several paces ahead.

Legend of grimrock secrets